Labels:text | screenshot | font OCR: Shall we do it? SHALL WE DO IT? over. "My God!" he thought while he fell. "My God!" To fall from high heights are Marty fell overboard a quarter to usually not nice experiences, especially two. He had just thrown up when his not in the dead of night from a height of feet slided away on the boatfloor and he fell right onto the slippery 15 meters with your body upside down, and Marty realised this very quickly. He gunwale. He grabbed the cold steelrail screemed all the way down from the by instinct, and for a short time he laid oceanliner SARAH MARIE's floor to the on it. A normal man would, without any surface. He also learned that it was a special problems, have been able to hold common held misunderstanding that on to it and then lift himself up again, water was soft to land in; the crash but a combination of seasickness and when he hit the surface almost struck whiskey made that impossible for him senseless. His first thought when he Marty. Very slowly he began to lean floated up to the surface was that he towards the sea, and suddenly he tipped was in desperate need of help. He had just fallen into the Pacific Ocean, it was MENU PANEL